'I was quite nervous about my decision to seek some counselling. I had recently experienced a relationship breakup so I was feeling really low on confidence and addition to not sleeping, I was very fragile.'

- Rebecca (Jan 2013)


What is Depression?

Often referred to as the black dog, depression sometimes take us by surprise when a series of days where you might feel a bit low, sad or blue, turns into something more debilitating. Depression expresses itself in both physical and psychological symptoms which impact on all areas of life and living.

As many as 3 million Australians are experiencing depression each year which is more than ten percent of the national population. Most people will experience a disruption to their mood at some time in their lives as significant events or stressors will test our natural ability to cope. For some people depression occurs as result of a relationship breakdown, the loss of a loved one, sudden involuntary unemployment or a major illness.

For others the onset of depression is less obvious as many people don’t understand the way that depression arrives and takes hold is different for everyone. There is no defined yardstick but rather, a range of symptoms and severity that can alert you to the need to engage with some additional support if you’re experiencing these systems for more than a month.

Common signs and symptoms

This is not a definitive list of symptoms for depression but it does provide an overview of the most commonly reported symptoms for people experiencing a disruption to their mood.

  • A disruption to sleeping patterns, sleeping too much or too little;
  • Feeling tearful for no apparent reason;
  • Weight loss or gain from excessive appetite or a loss of appetite;
  • Feeling sad and anxious;
  • Increased alcohol or other drug use;
  • Difficulties in managing the expression or containment of anger;
  • Isolating from social situations;
  • Feeling guilty;
  • Lack of energy;
  • Increased irritability;
  • Increased absenteeism from work; and
  • Impaired decision making abilities.

Seeking help

Whilst the stigma relating to mental illness is changing in Australia, some individuals feel uncomfortable seeking treatment for depression. However, treatment to assist in the resolution of issues relating to depression is considered to be a invaluable process to getting back on track to ultimate wellness.

Many people report feeling anxious about presenting for treatment and want to believe that their reasons for engaging in treatment are validated from the outset. Research shows that the initial contact with therapeutic services is the one of the best predictors of a successful treatment outcome.

The therapeutic journey in a dealing with depression begins with the initial contact with Louise Spencer who offers a personalised therapeutic relationship from the moment an individual makes contact. Louise is renowned as a skilled therapist who takes the time to ensure that from the moment a client engages with her counselling service they are given access to her repertoire of skills to assist in the alleviation of the physical symptoms of depression and the resolution of the issues underlying the psychological distress.

Louise offers a highly personalised therapeutic service which focuses on working in collaboration with you to reach your treatment goals in a safe, non judgemental environment.

It all begins with a phone call.

'I was quite nervous about my decision to seek some counselling. I had recently experienced a relationship breakup so I was feeling really low on confidence and addition to not sleeping, I was very fragile.'

- Rebecca (Jan 2013)